Saturday, March 3, 2007

Reality (part 2) - Truth. a Four Letter Word?

Do you think that people are really interested in the truth? Or do you think that they look for something to validate their personal perception bubble?

#1 The TRUTH may be uncomfortable - We don’t like it
#2 The TRUTH is offensive - It may mean that we are wrong

Define TRUTH?
Is TRUTH possible? Why or why not? How do you know?

Have two volunteers go out of the room. Have the group answer these questions:
What is their name?
What were they wearing?
What color is their shirt?
What brand are their shoes?
What do they like to do?
Have them come back in and then ask them the questions.
Compare answers –
We saw them. We even know them and we got these answers wrong.

The world takes the same approach towards God.
AA believes in a higher power, but they don’t say what that is.
What do people believe about God? What do you believe about God? Perception Bubble
What do people believe about Jesus? What do you believe about Jesus?

The Bible is all about God revealing himself to us in the person of Jesus, and wanting to have an actual one on one relationship with each one of us. We have all of our perception bubbles about who He is and what He is like or if He even exists. One thing I love about God – He promises in the Bible to remain faithful to me, even when I am not faithful to Him. Even with all the mess ups that I have done. He still loves me and wants that relationship. “Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.” It’s all here.

God has a couple of things to say about TRUTH –
1. You shall know the Truth, and _____________________________
What Truth?
2. Jesus said, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me. (Freedom)

*A couple of things that drive our lives whether you know it or not are: 1) What happens after I die? 2) How we answer that question?

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