Saturday, March 3, 2007

7 Checkpoints: Moral Boundaries - So Who's Right, Anyways?

What is truth?

If you step out of a plane, what direction will you go (up or down)?
Isaac Newton got hit on the head with an apple and discovered the law of gravity which will pull your body down towards the earth.

If I were to hold you by the hands and twirl you around, what would happen if I let go? Would you continue to go around in circles or would you go in a straight line?
The law of centripetal force would force your body to go in a straight line.

If I were to buy a loaf of bread, and let it sit out for a month would you eat it?
The 3rd law of Thermo Dynamics says that everything deteriorates as it ages.

Would you agree with this statement:
What is right for one person in any given situation might not be right for another person? Just because something is wrong for you, doesn’t mean it’s wrong for me.

Do you know anyone who is color blind?
Both of my brothers-in-law are color blind. There are two colors that look the same to him. He sees red and orange as the same, and he sees brown and green as the same.

What color is this (PPT)?

Would I be correct in saying that he is wrong when he calls green, brown or when he calls red, orange?

How about when we are playing a game that requires you to know the difference between the two? In Phase 10, the cards are green, yellow, red, and orange. You have to create a hand of 7 cards of one color. If he lays out 4 red and 3 orange, then would I be correct in telling him that he is wrong? Or, should I let him win?

So what I’m hearing is that there is such a thing as right and wrong? Under no circumstance is brown, green or red, yellow. Bread will always get moldy, you will always fall down.

So then what you are saying is that there is absolute truth. It doesn’t matter what you believe to be true. What matters is what is true. What do you think?

What kind of instrument is in that case. (guitar)
What does it look like? Describe it.
What color is it? How many sound holes does it have? How many strings does it have? What color are the strings?

Let’s see if you are right –

Let’s sing God Bless the USA (SHA)

After hearing all of this, how many of you would be willing to say that there is a such thing as right and wrong? You may think that to be a trick question, because what I am really getting at is making choices.

How about Hitler? Was what Hitler did wrong? How about Saddam Hussein? How about Ossama Bin Laden?


When Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?”
He answered
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it – Love your neighbor as yourself

These men devalued Human Life. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself” The Old Testament says, “Do not commit murder” God created life and then told us what to do with it, and what not to do with it. That is why what they did was wrong.

Everything else is a consequence of the choices they made. The result is not what makes something right or wrong.

You have to make decisions all the time. You have to make decisions about drugs whether is pot, vicatin, ridlin, cocaine, extasy, or beer. Someone will ask you if you want some, and you will have to make a decision. You will have to make decisions about sex and about touching. Whether it’s holding hands, kissing, petting, or sex. You will be in the moment when you will want to, and you will have to make a decision.

The first verse that I ever learned was Psalm 119:9
How will a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to your word.

You have to set up limits. You need to know now what you will do. The best place to start to make those decisions is right here (the Bible).

Here’s what the Bible says
I warn you that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Against such things, there is no law

You have to make a decision. What do you want your life to look like?

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