Saturday, March 3, 2007

Lessons in Grace - The Quiz

Justification is salvation from d________.
Sanctification is salvation from s____.

A judgmentalist believes: As long as your sins are worse than mine, then I’m not so _____.
A legalist believes: God will have to accept me and love me if I ____ all of these things.

Grace is not d__________.
Grace is not e_______.

What is grace? What does it mean to you? How does grace fit into your life?

Do you get it?

What do you think after you sin and know it? What do you feel after you sin and know it? What do you do about it? Why do you do good? How does God feel about you when you sin?

What is the worst thing you have ever done? Did God forgive you for it? When?

What is your personal story about grace? (answer on back)

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