Saturday, March 3, 2007

7 Checkpoints: Spiritual Disciplines - Talking to the Big Guy

II. Skits: 3 groups
Here are the situations:
1. Your cat or dog comes hobbling home after being run over by a car. It’s still alive, but barely.
2. Your relative, who you are very close with, dies suddenly.
3. You are about to take the test that determines whether or not you get to go on to the next grade with all of your friends.

Here are your instructions:
As a group, figure out the story background.
Scene 1: You are going to act out the moment you find out. (You and whoever)
Scene 2: You are going to act out a prayer. (You and God)
Scene 3: You are going to act out a conversation with your best friend. (You and best friend)

III. The cat story – I would never do that again

IV. Bop
Like most people, I have two Grandpas. How many of you have special names for your Grandparents? We called my dad’s parents, Nana and Bop. My senior year of high school Bop died. I was competing in the regional track meet, and had just run the fastest 800 meters that I had ever run (1:56 for those who are curious). I came in 3rd place which qualified me to run in the State track meet. I was in a great mood. Typically, after a large track meet like that, I would go over to my girlfriend’s house to say, “Hi” before I went home. Her dad met me at the door, and said, “I’m sorry”. I thought, “Are you nuts, I just ran the best race of my life today.” That’s when he realized that I didn’t know. He said, “Your grandpa passed away today.” I got in my car, and drove home. I don’t remember talking to anyone about it. I didn’t cry once. Almost one month later, I was sitting at the kitchen table with a friend, and the thought of Bop crossed my mind, and I bawled my eyes out. My friend was there for me during that time. We talked about it a little bit, but guess who I wanted to talk to -
I talked to God about it. I asked Him why, and then I just cried. My Bop’s death wasn’t a surprise to God, but it was Bop’s time, and God knew that it would hurt me. It’s like when your mom or dad would take you in for your shot as a baby, and they knew that it would hurt and that you would cry. When it was all over, they pick you up and hold you close and comfort you.

When I have questions, or I just need to vent, cry, yell, or just talk about something.
I don’t have to talk to anyone else, except for God. There is one mediator between God and man, Jesus. And guess who Jesus is, He’s God. I can talk directly to Him, the creator of this world, the creator of me, my Savior. My relationship with God is so much a part of my life, that you will know that after knowing me for a little while. I talk about Him. He’s so much a part of my life, that when I talk about my life with someone, eventually, we’ll be talking about God.

God is the creator of everything you see, and He lets me talk to Him whenever I want and about whatever I want. He not only lets me talk to Him, He wants me to talk to Him.

Prayer is talking with God just like you talk to your best friend about stuff. Do you have a relationship with Jesus (God)? It’s hard to talk to someone when you don’t have a relationship with them. Someone asked me last week, if I would talk about how to begin a relationship with Jesus.

Romans 3:23 says – For all have sinned and continue to fall short of the glory of God.
That means that, You aren’t perfect. I’m not perfect. God is perfect, and He requires perfection from us. Be holy for I am holy.

Romans 6:23 says – …The wages of sin is death, an eternal separation from God
Outside of perfection, it is impossible to have a relationship with Him, impossible for us.
Romans 6:23 continues – But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.

We are saved from death to life, an eternal relationship with Jesus, based on the merit of Jesus Christ alone.

God came to Earth in the form of a man, Jesus (Christmas). He lived a perfect life. He was put to death and paid the price for our sins (Good Friday). He was buried and then He rose again (Easter).

You don’t get to Heaven based on any good thing that you’ve done or will do. The price has been paid in full by Jesus. It’s a gift that God offers to you. All you have to do is take it. You put your faith and trust in Jesus alone.

Admit that you are a sinner – you do wrong things – you aren’t perfect.
Believe that Jesus is God, and that he paid the price for your sin.
Begin your relationship with God by
Accepting the gift as payment for your sins.

Ephesians 2:8,9
It is by grace that you are saved, and not of works that no one should boast.

You can do all that just by talking to God.
Repeat after me (you can do it out load or silently)
I admit that I’m a sinner, and because of that I can’t get into Heaven or have a relationship with. I believe that Jesus is God, and that He paid the price for my sin. I accept that gift as payment for my sins.
Thank you for saving me from an eternity separated from You.

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