Saturday, March 3, 2007

7 Checkpoints: Moral Boundaries - Sexual Purity

Two birds were singing in an oak tree one Sunday morning. It was about 3am. Most people were sound asleep, and they couldn’t hear the birds, but there were 2 people who heard the birds loud and clear. They knew that the birds chirping meant that the morning had arrived, and their parents would realize that they weren’t at home in their beds where they were supposed to be. Jimmy started the car and drove Liz home.
They were both a little embarrassed by the night before. Liz had never been in that situation before. She was 15years old, and she wasn’t sure what to think about what had happened. She had liked Jimmy for about a year. Finally, Jimmy asked her out. They went to the movie theater, but she doesn’t remember what the movie was. She doesn’t even remember watching. She was too busy with Jimmy to know what was going on around her. It was obvious that Jimmy hadn’t intended on watching the movie. She wondered why he agreed to watch a chick-flick with her. On their way home, Jimmy pulled over and parked the car in an obscure out of the way parking lot. He laid out a blanket on the grass, and pulled out some sandwiches and Dr. Pepper. They laid down on the blanket and looked up at the stars for at least an hour. But that hour wasn’t just spent watching the stars in the sky. Everything had happened so fast. The next thing she knew the birds were chirping.
Jimmy was just doing what his friends told him he should do on the date to make it really romantic and meaningful. She’ll love it, and so will you… He had never been in that situation before either.
When Liz got home, she snuck through the front door and up to her bedroom to crawl into bed. She felt a body in her bed, and it made her jump. Then the body spoke, “Liz, what time is it?” It was her mom.

What happened that night between Liz and Jimmy? Why were they embarrassed? What will it be like when they see each other at school on Monday? How will Liz answer her mom’s questions? What is sexual purity and why is it important?

Purity paves the way for Intimacy. The greater your level of purity, the greater the level of real intimacy that you will be able to experience with your future husband or wife.

Sex isn’t something that’s talked about in settings like this often. It’s something that people talk about quite frequently in other settings though. Chat rooms are full of sexual innuendos, and slighted solicitations for sex. There are websites whose sole purpose is to rate how sexable people are. Many people want to be sexually appealing to other people. Who would you ‘do’ it you had the chance?

The sex that is communicated most often in our society is a past-time. It’s a lifestyle. It’s the way that we are supposed to be. It’s just what we do. The term ‘friends with benefits’ has become common and accepted as a lifestyle. Some of us set up boundaries for how far we will go, but we base those boundaries on what is comfortable for us, and what we think is ok and what we think is not ok. We know the consequences of premarital sex, but we dismiss them.

I have prepared a questionnaire for you to respond to and discuss in your Breakout Sessions. Be honest with your answers.

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