Saturday, March 3, 2007

On Purpose (part 5) - Tell Them About IT

What is the most important thing in your life? What is the number one priority?

Have you ever admitted that you are not perfect? You don’t do everything right? You do things that are wrong & immoral (lying, cheating, whining, complaining, disobeying, abusing others either emotionally or physically, and the list goes on…)?

Did you know that because you are not perfect; you are not allowed in Heaven, you are condemned to an eternity separated from the presence of God?

Have you ever acknowledged that Jesus Christ is real, and that He is God? Do you believe that He lived a perfect life?

Did you know that Jesus was killed? Did you know that He was killed for you on your behalf? He paid the price for your sin. Because He died, you don’t have to spend eternity separated from God. (We remember this on Good Friday)

Did you know that Jesus rose from the dead? (We celebrate this every Easter)

Did you know that by accepting Jesus’ payment as your own, you will go to Heaven when you die? Did you know that the decision that you make about Jesus will determine where you spend eternity. That and nothing else.

Some of you have heard the things that I just said and believed them. At some point in your life, you believed what the Bible says about going to Heaven and having a relationship with Jesus. You have accepted the gift of Jesus death on the cross as your ticket into an eternity with Jesus.

Others of you may be hearing this for the first time. Others of you have heard this before, but it just doesn’t make sense to you. You are not willing to believe that it is true. For some people, trusting in Christ is an easy thing to do. For others, it seems to be the most difficult decision that they ever face.

Do you know what having a relationship with Jesus means for your life when you die?
No matter what, you are going to Heaven. It doesn’t matter how bad you mess up.
You will never experience what Hell is like. You will be with God for eternity. You are going to Heaven.

Do you know what having a relationship with Jesus means for your life right now?
You have God living in you. You have the power of the creator of the universe in your body. (Colossal power – Itty Bitty living space)
You have God taking care of your life. You have God directing your life.
The Bible says that you have a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
If you have a relationship with Jesus, will you tell me something about it? What does that mean to you?

Footprints in the sand (briefly)

Have you told anyone about what you have? Have you told anyone about how they can have what you have? If what you have is so great, then why keep it to yourself?

What are the 4 purposes of our life that we have talked about so far?
1. Worshipping God – Showing God how much He means to us
2. Fellowship – Having deep relationships with other Christians
3. Become like Jesus – One day we will be made perfect
4. Serve

Guess what the final purpose of our lives is? Telling people about Jesus

A lot of us, myself included, have a hard time doing this sometimes. Do you know why?
Teens answer

The paralytic man (Luke 5:17 – 25)
One day as He was teaching …Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him in the house to lay Him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”…He said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.

Here’s the secret:
1st you have to CARE about people.
I’m a person. I have a life. I have feelings. One day I am going to die. Do you care what happens to me or am I just occupying your time right now?

If that mans friends hadn’t taken him to Jesus, then where would he have spent the rest of his life? _________________ Do you think that he was glad his friends did it? _______

2nd believe that Jesus can save YOUR FRIEND.
You should ask your friend to come to “The Grip”. Oh, you don’t know my friend, they wouldn’t come. How do you know?
The worst that could happen – “I don’t think I’m going to go back.”
The best that could happen – Your friend could meet Jesus.

3rd Do SOMETHING about it.

If you have accepted Jesus as your savior, then it was because somewhere in your life someone cared about you enough to share that with you.

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