There was a boy who didn’t know his name.
You see, one day the boy was climbing the ladder into his tree house. The tree house was about half way up the tree. When he was in the tree house he could see all the way to the schools football field. He never had to buy a ticket to the game. The boy didn’t notice that some of the wood on the ladder had begun to rot. He was almost to the top when the inevitable happened. He fell through the rotten ladder headfirst onto the paved pathway leading to the garage.
Both of his wrists snapped as they reached out to cushion the fall. They may have helped a little, but his head took most of the impact as the rest of his body fell limp to the ground. He had fractured the bones in his neck and pinched off the nerves that told his brain that he had legs and arms and feet and hands. His body was paralyzed instantly. He lay there on the cold paved ground for what seemed like hours. The next thing that he knew he was staring into the face of a man. He knew that he should know this man, but he didn’t. Something about his face was so familiar.
Eventually, the doctor came in with the results from the myriads of tests that they had done while the boy was seemingly unconscious. The boy had suffered a concussion, which resulted in memory loss. His entire body was paralyzed with faint hope for recovery.
He saw a tear run down the face of the man standing next to him. Eventually, the boy was released from the hospital. The man took him to his home. It was a beautiful home. There was a beautiful house with a large garage. As he was removed from the car, he could see a tall oak tree. Half way up the tree was a tree house. He noticed that the ladder was broken towards the top. As the man pushed the boy’s wheelchair down the pathway to the house, the boy noticed a large red stain. He knew that something awful had happened here.
As the weeks went by, the boy watched as the man repaired the ladder and washed the pathway until the stain was gone. The man sat with the boy everyday. He fed him, he bathed him, he dressed, and he loved him. In time, the boy learned of what had happened. He knew that it was his blood on the pavement. He had broken the ladder. It was because of him that this man, his father, had to spend his time caring for him. When he understood this, he began to cry. His father reached out his hand and wiped his face. He kissed him of the forehead, and said, “Son, I love you.”
Good morning, my name is John Barnett, I would like to welcome you this morning. The majority of the Bible references made in this message will be presented on the screen. You are welcome to follow along in your Bibles. The page number will be referenced on the screen, if you are using one of our guest Bibles. If you do not have a Bible at home, then please take one of our guest Bibles home with you today as our gift to you. There is an insert in your bulletin that is prepared to assist you in following along with message.
I’d like to start off with a thought
Insanity – Doing the same things the same way; expecting different results
I open my silverware drawer, and look for a pencil. I don’t find one. That’s okay. I’ll just close the drawer.
I open the silverware drawer, and look for a pencil. I don’t find one. That’s okay. I’ll just close the drawer.
I open the silverware drawer, and look for a pencil. I don’t find one. That’s okay. I’ll just close the drawer.
I open the silverware drawer, and look for a pencil. I don’t find one. That’s okay. I’ll just close the drawer.
The reality of the situation is that there is no pencil in my silverware drawer. Until the reality changes, there will be no pencil in the drawer.
How will reality change? Will it change because I think hard enough that a pencil should be in my silverware drawer? No. Will it change because Saira walks by and says, “John, there is a pencil in the silverware drawer.”? No. A pencil will not be in that silverware drawer until someone comes along and puts a pencil in that silverware drawer.
I have another option. Instead of looking in the silverware drawer for the pencil that isn’t there, I can look in the pencil holder on the counter. Another way of putting that is: Instead of living in a reality that doesn’t exist, I can live in the reality that does. You hear or maybe you even say, “Perception is reality”, but that isn’t true. There is only and can only be one reality.
To illustrate that point: I have flown in many different airplanes in my life. I go up in an airplane and I come down in an airplane. Here’s the difference between my friend, Eric Turnrose, and I. When Eric goes up in an airplane, he opens the door and jumps out. So let’s say that I go up in an airplane with Eric, and let’s say that I’m going to open the door and jump out. We open the door and I see a fluffy white cloud. This is the perception that I have of that cloud. I’ve seen the Care Bears cartoon. They live on clouds. I can jump out of this airplane and jump onto that fluffy white cloud. So now I’m going to impress Eric. I don’t need that parachute. I’ve got my fluffy white cloud. And so I jump… It’s not long before my gleeful cheer turns into a blood curdling scream as my 200 pound body plummets towards the earth. To leave you with a happy feeling, Eric jumps out of the airplane makes his body aerodynamic. He cuts through the air, just like a hot knife through butter. He grabs me and hooks me onto himself. He pulls the chord, and we all live happily ever after.
Life in pursuit of a lie:
I believe with all my heart that my address is 536 Fox Ridge Drive, Fox Lake, IL 60020. Today after the service, I am going to go to 536 Fox Ridge Drive, Fox Lake, IL 60020. I will put my key in the lock. It won’t work. I’ll wonder what is wrong with the lock. I will ring the door bell. I will wonder why a man I’ve never met before is in my house. I will walk in the house. He will probably become slightly agitated or at least very confused. I won’t understand why. I’ll call for Saira. The man will look at me as if I’m crazy. After a lengthy conversation, with the police, I decide that my best option is to leave my house, and go with them to the station. The police process me, and send me on my way. So I get in my car and guess where I go… *(536 Fox Ridge Drive). No of course not. Weren’t you guys listening. I don’t live at 536 Fox Ridge Dr. Didn’t you hear everything that I just happened to me when I went to the wrong house. I’m going to get in my car and drive to 536 Fox Ridge Drive. I will put my key in the lock. It won’t work.
What I just described sounds absolutely ludicrous. Maybe you were wondering when I would realize that I was at the wrong house. So far, I’ve looked for a pencil that wasn’t there. I tried to jump on a fluffy white cloud, and I don’t know where I live. So what’s the point.
Many of us in this auditorium this morning are spiritually insane and living in pursuit of a lie. We will be presented with the truth, but will walk out and continue to pursue a lie.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it abundantly.” What we are talking about today is at the center of living a good life. You will not be able to experience the life that God has intended for you outside of the truths that we will discuss this morning.
Lie #1 – Your eternal destination is dependent on the way you live your life on this earth.
In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul writes these words to the Christians in Ephesus, those who had placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior
Ephesians 2:1,4-9
1. And you were dead in your transgressions and sins
4. But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,
5. Made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions – It is by grace you have been saved.
6. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
7. In order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
8. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God –
9. Not by works, so that no one can boast.
Lie #1 – Your eternal destination is dependent on the way you live your life on this earth.
A friend passes away, a co-worker passes away, someone famous passes away, a loved one passes away. People begin to grieve. They weep for what has been lost. Most remember the good things. The regrettable things seem to lose their significance. Somewhere in this process, eternity comes into view, and someone says, “I know they are in heaven, because they were such a good person. They were always at church. They were baptized when they were a baby. They deserve to be in Heaven.” And so the perceptions continue. The wondering continues. The question that is really being asked is, “What is reality?” How can I know for sure? What can I place my hope on? The Bible says in the book of Revelation, “These things have been written that you may know for certain that you have eternal life.” So what does the Bible say about this:
Romans 3:23
…all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
To paraphrase that verse:
…all have messed up and continue to fall short of God’s standard of perfection
Someone, somewhere came up with a saying that sums this up, “Nobody’s Perfect”
Romans 6:23
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The penalty of your sin and my sin is an eternal separation from God. Now lest we be discouraged and frustrated, allow me to draw your attention to the comma. Following the comma, sits one of the biggest buts in the Bible. You see the Bible is a story from start to finish about the relationship between God and man. In Genesis, God created man. He gave us one rule. Do not eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. You must not touch it, or you will die. Guess what happened. They ate it, and their sin destroyed the relationship that they had with God. The rest of the Bible, is the story of God’s endless pursuit of man and the renewal of that relationship. Sin stood in the way. The wages of sin is death. (comma) BUT the gift of God is eternal life is Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 3:16,17 – For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send His son to the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.
The world was already condemned. Sin was already here. Jesus was not sent to this earth to show us why we are condemned. He was sent to save us. He was sent here to die.
Maybe some of these things are coming together for you. Maybe you have also heard that Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
The penalty for your sin, the price for your sin has been paid in full through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. He proved His power over death through his resurrection. He offers to you that payment as a gift. The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
A gift must be received. And this is how you receive this gift. In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul is confronted by a question from a Roman guard, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul’s answer was simple. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The good news is this: Jesus Christ came down to earth, was put to death on a cross, was buried, and in three days He rose again.”
Everyone of us has a choice to make – What will you do with Jesus Christ? Will you accept the gift of salvation? Will you place your trust in Jesus Christ or will you continue to try and get to Heaven on your own lost in a faulty perception of reality? That decision is up to you.
Things aren’t any different now than they were back then… Why do you think that Paul had to write in his letter to the Ephesians – For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – Not by works, so that no one can boast.
Truth #1 Salvation is a gift.
You think you are seeking out God, but in reality he is seeking you. He is drawing you to Himself.
There may come a point in your life when you recognize your need for Jesus Christ. That point may be right now sitting right here. Place your faith in Jesus Christ as your savior. Pray to Him (say to Him), Jesus, I need you in my life, I cannot save myself. I am trusting in you. You paid the price for my sins already. I accept that gift as my payment.
When you do that, the Holy Spirit comes into your life.
Ephesians 1:13
… Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.
You are sealed in Him. There is nothing that can separate you from Him.
The seal is a symbol of authority. During this time, when a document or location was to be protected or made secure, someone in a high position of authority would place their seal on it. That meant that noone except for the owner of the seal or someone with greater authority could break the seal. If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your savior, then God has sealed your life with the Holy Spirit. There is no greater authority than God. That means that noone can break that seal on your life, not even you. That’s pretty amazing stuff right there.
So are you stuck in the pursuit of a lie?
Are you trusting in your personality or your selfless acts of service for your salvation? Are you believing that Hell really doesn’t exist and that when you die you will just be with God in Heaven by default? Or are you willing to choose today to step out of a spiritually insane perception and into reality, into truth.?
Lie #2 – God’s expression of love and acceptance in your life is dependent on the way you live your life on this earth.
Why do you do good? How do you respond when you do bad?
We’ve already established that the way I live my life does not effect my eternal destination. So that can’t be it.
Maybe it’s because when I do wrong, when I sin, I experience a feeling called shame. I see how perfect and holy God is. When I see how perfect He is, I see how imperfect I am. How could God love me? How could God accept me? Why would God possibly want to use me in someone else’s life?
Shame is a byproduct of Sin. Adam and Eve felt shame instantly. When the reality of their situation hit them, they hid themselves. When I sin, I feel dirty. I am not worthy to be in the presence of God. I am not worthy to spend time with Him. I am not worthy.
That’s true… You are not worthy. I’m not worthy, but God says, “I love you, even though”
To shame someone is to say that because you did __________, you are “Less Than”. God never says that to you. He never says that to me. Yes, we may do the wrong things. We may do the right things, but have the wrong motives in our hearts. Often times, there are consequences to our actions. God looks at sin and calls it sin, but God never looks at you and calls you “less than”.
Let me share with you some things that God says in response to that. He knows that we are going to feel that way. He knows that we are going to withdraw ourselves from Him, because of our feelings or shame or inadequacy.
Romans 8:38,39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
2 Timothy 2:13
If we are faithless, he will remain faithful…
Truth#2 - There is no shame with God.
So if you are telling me that my actions do not effect my eternal destination or the expression of God’s love and acceptance in my life, then why would I be concerned about doing the right thing.
The worth of my works is not based on what I do; It is based on why I do what I do.
In 2 Corinthians 5:14 Paul writes,
…Christ’s love compels us…
My actions, my striving to bring pleasure to God is a response to who He is and to what He has done in my life. Christ’s love compels me.
I follow God’s commands; I earnestly seek after God’s purpose for my life; I do what I do because I love Him. I can do nothing else.
My service, my sacrifice, my obedience is an act of worship.
In Romans 12:1
In view of God’s mercy, offer your bodies (offer your lives; offer yourselves) as living sacrifices to God…
If you have never placed your faith in Jesus as your savior do that today. Just tell him that you need him. Tell him that you are trusting in Him for your salvation, and not yourself anymore. I promise you that he will save you.
If you have been afraid of God, because of choices that you have made. If you have been feeling less than. Know that God doesn’t see you as less than. He wants to help you. He wants to love you. He says that if we confess our sins; he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He’ll get rid of the mess.
You heard the story in the beginning of this message. You may have been feeling sad because the boy’s life had been changed forever by one moment. You may have been angry that the father hadn’t noticed or fixed the ladder before that moment. You may have immediately spiritualized the story, and placed yourself in the boys place. You may have felt and thought a lot of things, but noone ever shamed that boy. You felt compassion for that boy. You found a special place in your heart for a moment for this fictional character.
If you being imperfect, can respond that way to that fictional story, how much more can your heavenly father, being perfect respond to you
Saturday, March 3, 2007
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